Recycling potential of separately collected post-consumer textile waste

Environmental Project no. 2270, June 2024

Som en del af det nationale Tekstilaffaldspartnerskab nedsat af Miljøministeriet blev dette projekt bestilt af Miljøstyrelsen i Danmark og udført af Institut for Miljø- og Ressourceteknologi på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU Sustain) mellem september 2023 og februar 2024.
Projektet udforsker muligheder og barrierer for genanvendelse af separat indsamlede tekstiler fra forbrugerne, med adskillelse i to separate indsamlingsspor. Målet er at evaluere massestrømmene af kasseret tøj, der potentielt kan indsamles separat gennem et ikke-genbrugeligt 2. spor, og herved være tilgængeligt for materialegenanvendelse. Desuden var det et delmål at undersøge recirkulerings-teknologier for tekstil-til-tekstil genanvendelse med tilhørende fordele og ulemper.

Læs rapporten her


As part of the Danish Textile Waste Partnership established by the Ministry of Environment, this project was commissioned by the Danish EPA and carried out by the Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Sustain) between September 2023 and February 2024.
The project investigates opportunities and barriers of recycling separately collected post-consumer textiles, distinguishing between two separate collection streams. The aim is to evaluate the mass flows of discarded clothes that could be separately collected through a non-reusable
2nd stream that could potentially be available for material recycling, as well as exploring different options in terms of applicable textile-to-textile recycling technologies, with associated advantages and disadvantages.

Read the report here