Survey and risk assessment of siloxanes in cosmetic products

The aim of the project was to build knowledge about the use of siloxanes in cosmetic products and investigate whether the use of cosmetic products that contain siloxanes can pose a risk to the environment and to human health.

Survey of chemical substances in consumer products No. 185, 2021

In the project, more than 80 different siloxane compounds were identified on the ingredient lists of various cosmetic products. Among these, the small cyclic siloxanes are considered to be particularly problematic, and the project shows that many companies are already on their way to replacing these substances in the products they sell. The linear siloxane compound dimethicone, or variants thereof, is often used as a substitute. Although dimethicone appears to be less problematic to human health, the substance still raises concerns for the environment because dimethicone decomposes to smaller substances that exhibit similar toxicity and potential for biodegradation.

40 different products with declared content of siloxanes were selected for chemical analysis. The results indicate that in most products there are low concentrations of non-declared siloxanes including the cyclic siloxanes. These were also found as residues in dimethicone, probably because cyclic siloxanes are used in the production.

For seven of the selected products, a risk for children could be calculated, and a risk for adults could be calculated for three out of the seven products. Many of the calculations are however associated with great uncertainty either because only very old data is available, or because the applied exposure scenarios are considered unrealistic for the specific product.

Danish Abstract
Formålet med projektet var at opbygge viden om brugen af siloxaner i kosmetiske produkter og undersøge om anvendelse af kosmetiske produkter, der indeholder siloxaner, kan udgøre en risiko for miljø og sundhed.

I projektet blev der identificeret over 80 forskellige siloxanforbindelser, der anvendes som ingredienser til kosmetik og plejeprodukter. Heriblandt anses de små ringsluttede siloxaner (cykliske siloxaner) for særligt problematiske, og projektet viser, at mange virksomheder allerede er godt i gang med at udskifte disse stoffer i de produkter, de sælger. Den lineære siloxanforbindelse dimethicone, eller afarter heraf, anvendes ofte som erstatning, men selv om dimethicone ser ud til at være mindre problematisk for menneskers sundhed, giver stoffet alligevel anledning til bekymring for miljøet, fordi dimethicone nedbrydes til mindre enheder, der udviser lignende toksicitet og potentiale for bioarmumulering.

Der blev udvalgt 40 forskellige produkter med deklareret indhold af siloxaner til kemisk analyse. Resultaterne indikerer, at der i de fleste produkter findes lave koncentrationer af ikke deklarerede siloxaner - herunder de ringsluttede. De cykliske siloxaner blev også fundet som rester i dimethicone, sandsynligvis fordi cykliske siloxaner benyttes til fremstilling heraf.

For syv af de udvalgte produkter kunne der beregnes en risiko for børn, mens der for tre af disse produkter også kunne beregnes en risiko for voksne. Mange af beregningerne er dog behæftet med stor usikkerhed. enten fordi der kun er meget gammel data tilgængeligt, eller fordi de opstillede

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