Survey of selected endocrine disruptors

The purpose of this project was to investigate the use of selected endocrine disruptors and/or suspected endocrine disruptors in products which children and pregnant women use. It was also investigated if whether differences exist in the content of selected endocrine disruptors and/or suspected endocrine disruptors depending on where the purchased products originate from (Denmark, within the EU and outside of the EU).

Survey of chemical substances in consumer products No. 183, 2020

A total of 78 consumer products were investigated for content of BHT, BHT and D4 in products of plastic and/or silicone materials, BPA, butyl- and propylparaben in textiles and butyl- and propylparaben in chemical toys-mixtures. The products covers teething rings, dummies, socks, soap bubbles and covers for mobiles and iPads/tablets.

The results were that, BHT was identified in four out of the 18 examined plastic products, propylparaben and BPA were identified in socks (but not in underpants) and butyl- and propylparaben were both identified in two of the examined soap bubble liquids, but not in any of the examined finger paints. Furthermore, D4 was identified in eight out of the 18 examined silicone products and one plastic product.

In total, four out of 28 products (14 %), six out of 27 products (22 %) and eight out of 23 products (35 %) from Denmark, within the EU and outside of the EU had a content of at least one of the six investigated substances.

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