Investigation of the presence of Aniline in Chalk

The objective of the project was to investigate the likelihood of children being exposed to aniline when playing with sidewalk chalk. A recent investigation performed by Öko-Test form the basis of this project, since it was claimed that red coloured chalk could contain or release aniline.

FORB 163, 2018

A total of 14 products of sidewalk chalk were collected from the Danish market. The red coloured chalk was subsequently selected for analysis. For 12 out of 14 products aniline was determined in concentrations below 5mg/kg in the red coloured chalk. This aniline exists either as free aniline or originate from azo-colorants contained in the chalk. For two products aniline could not be detected.

Formålet med projektet var at undersøge, hvor sandsynligt det er, at børn eksponeres for anilin, når de leger med fortovskridt. En ny undersøgelse fra Öko-Test danner grundlaget for projektet, idet undersøgelsen hævder, at rødt fortovskridt kan indeholde eller frigive anilin.

I alt 14 forskellige slags fortovskridt blev indkøbt på det danske marked. Dernæst blev det røde fortovskridt analyseret. I 12 ud af de 14 produkter blev anilin bestemt i det røde fortovskridt i koncentrationer under 5 mg/kg. Denne anilin findes enten som fri anilin eller kan frigives fra azofarvestoffer indeholdt i fortovskridtet. 2 af produkterne viste intet indhold af anilin

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