Survey, health and environmental assessment of flame retardants in textiles

Kortlægning af kemiske stoffer i forbrugerprodukter nr. 128, 2014

In this project the use of flame retardants in furniture and textiles for interiors has been described.

It is primarily textiles, carpets and curtains to be used in e.g. furniture in public buildings or other professional contexts where there are specific fire safety standards that contain flame retardants.

Fifteen products were analyzed, three office chairs, eight mattresses, three chairs/armchairs and one plaid. Three chairs contained flame retardants in the form of TCPP and TDCPP in the foam. None of the mattress or the rug containing flame retardants.

Exposure to TCPP and TDCPP can be made through inhalation, via skin or through ingestion of dust particles. The calculations show that it is probably skin contact with furnishings that give the largest contribution. The exposure to the furniture analyzed in this project does not give rise to any risk to the consumer.

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