Survey and health assessment of selected respiratory sensitizers in consumer products

Survey of chemical substances in consumer products, 82, 2007

In 2004, the Danish EPA issued a revised list of unwanted substances (Orientering fra Miljøstyrelsen, nr. 8, 2004). The criteria for inclusion in this list were among others the classification of the substances. One of the criteria was classification R42: "May cause sensitization by inhalation". The following five substances are on the list exclusively because of this classification:
Cyclohexan-1,2-dicarboxylic anhydride (unspec.), CAS 85-42-7
Hexahydro-4-methylphthalic anhydride, CAS 19438-60-9
Phthalic anhydride, Methyltetrahydro- (unspec.), CAS 11070-44-3
Methylendiphenyldiisocyanate (MDI), CAS 26447-40-5, 5873-54-1 and 101-68-8
Glutaraldehyde, CAS 111-30-8

The purpose of the present project was to identify consumer products that may contain any of the five R42-substances and assess, if the exposure from the products is large enough to cause risk of health effects in the consumers.

19 products were sampled for inclusion in an emission analysis. Emissions from the products were analyzed under realistic and, in some cases also extreme use conditions. No emissions of the respiratory sensitizers from the 19 products obtained could be detected by chemical analysis. Hence, no risk of sensitisation to phthalic anhydrides, MDI or glutaraldehyde can be attributed to any of the products analyzed.


Dansk resumé

Miljøstyrelsen udsendte i 2004 en revideret liste over uønskede stoffer (Orientering fra Miljøstyrelsen, nr. 8, 2004). Kriterierne for optagelse på listen var bl.a. stoffernes klassificering. Et af kriterierne var klassifikationen R42: "Kan give overfølsomhed ved indånding". Følgende 5 stoffer er på listen udelukkende pga. denne klassificering:

Cyclohexan-1,2-dicarboxylsyre anhydrid (uspec.), CAS 85-42-7
Hexahydro-4-methylphthalsyre anhydrid, CAS 19438-60-9
Phthalsyreanhydrid, Methyltetrahydro- (uspec.), CAS 11070-44-3
Methylendiphenyldiisocyanat (MDI), CAS 26447-40-5, 5873-54-1 og 101-68-8
Glutaraldehyd, CAS 111-30-8

Formålet med projektet var at identificere forbrugerprodukter, der kan indeholde et af de fem R42-stoffer samt vurdere om forbrugerne udsættes for sundhedsfarlig eksponering af de 5 stoffer, når de anvender produkterne.

19 produkter blev udtaget til analyse for evt. afgivelse de 5 stoffer. Afgivelsen blev analyseret under realistiske og i nogle tilfælde også ekstreme brugsforhold. Afgivelse af de 5 luftvejssensibiliserende stoffer fra de 19 produkter kunne ikke påvises ved kemisk analyse. Der er således ikke risiko for sensibilisering over for phthalsyreanhydrider, MDI eller glutaraldehyd fra nogen af de analyserede produkter.

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